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Mark Passio
The Industry (warning)
Living the Past
The Century of the Shadow
Why SJW's are Smarter Than You
If you feel - not fear - but lack of energy and brain function when you think about doing just anything rather than a particular thing, I think you have experienced betrayal (abandonment).of your self (past life, school, parents).
It's not something that should bother you because most humans haven't got a handle on all the levels of their minds; subconscious, mind body split, brain hemispheres etc
The universe and Divine Timing will travel with you if you focus your attention on what you still trust yourself to do, and make you aware of what specifically you feel powerless (which scares you) to do and why.
You don't want to be called paranoid by psychologists or experience more energy draining betrayal suddenly happen again. Nor do you want to feel drained when you encounter opportunities of easy progress.